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Waldorf School and Kindergarten Doctors

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Many Waldorf schools have a school doctor, usually part-time or even full-time. The idea for this can be traced back to the inaugurator of Waldorf schools, Rudolf Steiner, who found a first school doctor in Eugen Kolisko. Today, international continuing education conferences for school and kindergarten doctors are held regularly at the Goetheanum, and training programs have been established in many countries. This homepage offers an overview of what school doctors do, along with possibilities for continuing education, literature, how to contact a mentor, and possible openings at schools to help you get started and learn more about this very fulfilling work.

to Job Profile

Job Description Update

A working group of school and kindergarten doctors released a description of the tasks of a school and kindergarten doctor:

Link to Job Description

Leaflet: How can we promote health? Dealing with the Corona pandemic in schools and kindergartens - from working group of school and kindergarten physicians

The working group of school and kindergarten physicians in the Association of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD), together with the Medical Section at the Goetheanum and Witten/Herdecke University, has just published a leaflet, “How Can We Promote Health?” in English, German and Spanish on how to deal with the Corona pandemic in schools and kindergartens. It is freely available on the GAÄD website via the link below. Please make this leaflet known in your school or kindergarten and also inform parents, etc.

Link to the leaflet

Corona in Children (CoKi©)

The COVID-19 situation in Germany among children and practicing pediatricians. A contribution to clarify the epidemiological situation in Germany.

Link to CoKi©

The newly developed FeverApp:


Annual International further training for school and kindergarten doctors at the Goetheanum:

The formation of and search for identity in the first three seven-year periods

21 - 24 October 2023, Goethenanum
